After attending pek's farewell yesterday, 29th OAC met up at bedok 85 for supper at 11pm! To put it in a more nolstalgic manner, last supper with zhengwei and shuying. The company was great! In what seems to be minutes, it was already 230am when we left. Apart from the usual good food, sugarcane drinks and crapping, this supper was a little different from the previous suppers we've had. We had a mini-MAF cos Tze and I brought lanterns to relive our childhood memories!
After eating at bedok 85, we went over to bedok reservoir to light up, a place which ben claimed to have special memories with.... With university level understanding of torque, Jingsong and Likoon managed to balance themselves on a see-saw without their legs touching the ground, with a very constipated look though. Walking towards water with our lighted up paper lanterns, we settled down to light up more candles, forming the numbers 29. Some of us also went nearby to play with the swing. It's like turning back time to our childhood. I noticed the playgrounds were all sand based, something which is very hard to find in Singapore nowadays. While using candles to form 29, tze, jw, shu, pg and zw were trying to use a burning twig to draw hearts and stars while our 'official' sandfly-cum-mosquitophilic photographer cons took pics of it using fireworks mode. The effects were fantastic!
Apart from the merry making in the wee hours, I felt it was a nolstagic night. A quiet park, a half-full moon and a group of friends sitting in a circle with lanterns, burning lanterns, burning candles. It felt so much like a campfire. Automatically, we started singing some HC songs and our own OAC song. Those were the good old days. The meaning of mid autumn festival is 团圆。And I thought the outing suited it, since two of us are leaving for the UK and Japan this week. Nevertheless, MAF also have a meaning for people who are leaving their home. 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟.