Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The story of a BBQ

During a BBQ session, a small kid and a big kid had a conversation.

Small Kid: "Let me show you a magic"
Big Kid: "Come on, I am older than you. What can you show me that will facinate me?"
Small Kid: "See this pile of burning charcoals? I take one of them out and lay it somewhere else. The glowing red disappear!"
Big Kid: "How interesting, but its not magic! It's the obvious! You take it out from the heat of course it will cool down!"
Small Kid: "Now I put it back to the pile. See It starts glowing again!"
Big Kid: "So that's your magic?"
Small Kid: "Yes! Daddy told me that's life. But I don't understand what he's talking about. I only know its magic that the charcoal starts glowing again when you put it back. "
Big Kid: "Yeah... that's enlightening"

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